UT’s Confucius Institute was dedicated earlier this month with a ribbon cutting and gala performance.

    Some state elected officials, along with representatives from UT’s Chinese partner, Southeast University in Nanjing, were on hand to help open this exciting new addition to campus. Southeast University’s Student Art Troupe joined a variety of UT performers to present the stage show.

    The Confucius Institute is a collaboration between UT, Southeast University, and HANBAN—Chinese Ministry of Education subsidiary in Beijing. A nonprofit center, the institute will serve the campus and community by offering for-credit and noncredit Chinese language courses, sponsoring cultural activities, helping local schools provide more education about China, facilitating exchange activities, and serving as a cultural bridge between China and the state of Tennessee.

    Confucius Institute

    Geography Professor Shih-Lung Shaw directs UT’s Confucius Institute, which is located in the International House.


    For more information and to learn about the Confucius Institute’s activities, call 865-974-5753.

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