Before she had her diploma in hand, Katherine Van Hooser (’91) had accepted a job with NASA. Twenty-five years later, she’s risen to the ranks of chief engineer.
College of Engineering
There are a lot of great things to love about this place that we call home. Even our alumni and friends who don’t live here any longer can agree that there’s …
Three colleges recently kicked off fundraising campaigns as part of the university’s journey to the Top 25.
Not only do Volunteers occupy every corner of the Earth, now they’ve taken over space, too.
Not even a torrential downpour could dampen the spirits of the more than 300 people who turned out for the dedication of the Fred D. Brown Jr. Residence Hall in …
Students and faculty from different disciplines across campus take a new approach to service-learning by helping solve community issues in one of the country’s most underserved areas.
Denise Koessler is working on the big picture.
As our nation faces ever-growing energy challenges, the University of Tennessee and its College of Engineering are on the forefront of efforts to use new sources of energy and to refine …
Metals and alloys, polymers and plastics, ceramics, semiconductors, and composites all help to make up materials science—a field that is at the forefront of modern technological advances. But what exactly …
External research funding increased to more than $188 million in fiscal year 2010, adding $10 million to last year’s total and setting an all-time high for the campus. The funding …