Do you live outside Tennessee? Do you ever get stuck in traffic behind someone with a specialty license plate for another university and wish you had one for UT? If you live in Georgia or Texas (and soon, South Carolina), you already have that option.
If you live in Maryland, North Carolina, or Virginia, you can help us make a UT license plate available to you. UT alumni chapters in these states are helping to pave the way for a “Power T” license plate.
Thank you to those who have already signed up—but we still need more alumni to send in an application to help us make the plates a reality!
Choose your state and sign up to help make a UT license plate available:
Through the hard work and dedication of key alumni in South Carolina, the UT license plate has been approved and is currently being programmed into the system. The state’s Department of Motor Vehicles hopes to have the plate available to the public at the end of this year.
Order a plate here:
For more information on specialty license plates, e-mail